Monday, April 19, 2010


you hold things which unclose people within your fingertips.
you catch emotion and translate it in a form that carries more depth than words.
(who are you?)

you carry more emotion than your frame can handle and your hands could ever render..
constantly defining, constantly showing how things look through your eyes
(made of the clearest water.)

you bleed through the end of that brush, effortlessly traslating
a face that I cannot look away from.
eyes that I swear are looking into me.
(where did you come from?)

I'm happy to have you beside me on this constant evolution of chasing the only thing that fuels our spirits.
redefining success and composing faith in our own religion of movement.
of change.
because we won't settle for anything but flowers.
and tears.
and paintings.
and translating a heart in it's own breathing.
because this is all that matters.
it's all there is left to believe in.



my dear brother,

never look down.
know how amazing you are.

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