I stand here with the company of my own reflection,
feeling as tho time slowed itself so that I am able to begin to swallow
the sight of that little tiny positive sign that is a promise of everything that will
completely change my life forever,
this surreal presence in my womb, this life that I prayed for every month.
And cried for when it didn't come.
There isn't a name for this feeling,
I'm sure every woman would become tired in the attempt,
or maybe we just choose to hold this emotion amongst ourselves,
our own little silent commonality,
I am now part of the club.
As I slowly walk towards him, life changer in hand, I rehearse all the ways I want to tell him..
but all I can do is hold it up,
mouth sealed,
words fail,
eyes saying everything.
Its beautiful watching, front row, his moment, his heart quicken, his realization,
his excitement that he succeeded, he looked so proud, so sweet,
right at this moment is when love begins its new evolution.
We couldn't hold eachother tight enough,
it still doesn't feel real, but I don't want this feeling to escape me,
I need to lock it in,
so for now I will hold as still as I can and breathe in deeply,
so as to make me as comfortable as I can for my new guest...